All about Shichon's

8 week old Shichon puppy
What is a Shichon?
A Shichon puppy/dog is a mix between a Shih Tzu and a Bichon. Puppies are brown, black, tan & white with perfect markings. It was not my intention to breed Shichon puppies abut after my daughter talking me into it “just once”, well I was so impressed by that first litter I have decided to do it again. From Sophie’s first litter I sold all 5 of her puppies in one day!!! People just loved them. I will have to say my first love is the Bichon who is solid white but then when you look down at a Shichon puppy with a mixture of colors and those adorable little faces you can’t help but fall in love with them.
Sophie’s personality is right in line with the Shih Tzu. Loves you to pieces but there is no need to sit on your lap. She sleeps in bed with me at night but where the Bichon’s sleep at the upper part of the bed Sophie is good at the foot of the bed. I tell people that Bichon’s are a “in your face dog” as that is where they like to be but the Shih Tzu needs a bit of distance. Sophie is my second Shih Tzu. My first, Emily was a nervous uptight dog that was afraid of her own shadow. I said I would never have another Shih Tzu but when I seen Sophie she was begging me to take her. I am glad I did. She loves to play with the other dogs; she is a great Mom, loves rides in the car & walks. Sophie is a great dog with a very loving and easy going personality. If you are looking for someone to wait while you shower, or sit with you while you are watching TV or sleep with you then you better grab one of these puppies fast. If you are interested please contact me and get your name on the list.
My daughter Chelsea & her friend Emily have recently taken over the Shichon part of Puppy Luver Bichon's. They have added a new female who was just bred for the first time. Kali is smaller that Sophie so her pups will possibly be smaller. Kali is very sweet natured and for a Shih Tzu she is quite affectionate although "not in your face" she certainly give more love that Sophie. When we first got Kali she was almost solid black, as she has grown up her coloring has changed to a lighter brown. She has an adorable head. Kali is very playful. I don't recall ever having to correct her for anything as she is very well behaved. Her puppies are due on December 26th we are all so excited to see how these Shichon's turn out. Please if you are interested get that application filled out so we can get you on the waiting list. Sophie & Kali's puppies are $600, $300 deposit & the other $300 due upon pickup.
Congratulations Chelsea & Emily on your new venture, I will be right by your side for anything that you need.
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